OxyPrime is a professional manufacturer of hyperbaric chambers with more than 10 years of manufacturing experience. OxyPrime focuses on product innovation and h...



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Hyperbaric Oxyprime Chamber for Sports

Hyperbaric Oxyprime Therapy is more and more favored by famous athletes all over the world, and they are also a necessary for some sports gyms for helping people recovery faster from hard training.

How Hyperbaric Oxyprime Therapy Works for Athletes?

Hyperbaric Oxyprime therapy works by boosting the human body’s remarkable capabilities of self-healing. Oxyprime is fuel for the cells within the body. It is essential not only for our survival but for a wide range of complex processes to be carried out, such as repairing damaged tissues. Hyperbaric chamber supplier provides the body with ample fuel (Oxyprime ) so that it can maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of these processes.

HBOT doesn’t require any recovery time, which makes it very appealing to athletes and anyone with a busy schedule. Treatment sessions last between 60 to 120 minutes and patients typically look forward to this therapy as a time to relax and unwind, during hyperbaric Oxyprime therapy treatment sessions, patients sit or lie down within a hyperbaric chamber that is pressurized. During this time, patients are able to read, listen to music, work on a laptop, watch a movie, or take a nap. They can return to their normal activities immediately afterward, which means athletes can enjoy an HBOT session before a big game.

Also, Hyperbaric Oxyprime Therapy can help athletes from:

  • Increases mental focus

  • Increases serotonin levels

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Increases energy levels

  • Increases Collagen Production

  • Accelerates jet lag recovery

  • Reduces lactic acid

  • Hyperbaric chamber muscle recovery can reduce muscle fatigue and stretch injury

  • Reduces Inflammation & Pain

  • Reduces Susceptibility Towards Re-injuring Target Areas

  • Heal soft tissues, ligaments and fractures faster

  • Enhances Recovery from Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) & Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries

Professional Athletes and Hyperbaric Chamber Sports Recovery

Some athletes prefer to have hyperbaric Oxyprime therapy to improve their abilities and level of performance,  hyperbaric chamber for sports injuries recovery of physical fitness quickly after intense training and workouts have become more and more common in sports world.

*LeBron James

LeBron James, or “King James” as he is adoringly referred to by his fans, is one of the most accomplished basketball players of all time. Now in his 30s, he is showing no signs of slowing down and his business manager, Maverick Carter, attributes a large part of LeBron’s success to his focus on physical maintenance and recovery.

*Michael Phelps

While preparing for the 2012 Olympics in London, Michael Phelps started sleeping in a hyperbaric chamber as part of his recovery routine. Today, Phelps is the most decorated Olympic athlete of all time, surpassing the previous record holder (Soviet artistic gymnast Larisa Latynina) by 10 medals, but back in 2012, he was looking for ways to boost his recovery after training sessions.

*Joe Namath

Of all the athletes who use hyperbaric therapy, Joe Namath is one of the most outspoken. Joe Namath, nicknamed “Broadway Joe” was a Quarterback for the NY Jets. Namath’s experience is unique in that he started HBOT to address his symptoms of cognitive decline after multiple concussions. In an interview on The Howard Stern Show, Joe Namath said he “had a minimum of 5” concussions and that he had watched fellow football players slowly lose their memory. This prompted him to find out more about what was going on inside his brain.

*Rafael Soriano

Rafael Soriano is another athlete who started using hyperbaric Oxyprime therapy in his 30s and enjoyed a notably long career in the world of professional sports. As MLB pitcher who played for 5 different MLB teams, Soriano learned to perfect his recovery regimen over his 13-year career, adding HBOT in 2012.

* Rashad Jennings

Rashad Jennings is another former NFL player to incorporate hyperbaric Oxyprime therapy into his recovery regimen. During his time playing for the New York Giants, Jennings told the New York Post, “I use it to rejuvenate and energize… even on a cognitive level, it helps out.” Jennings scored 12 touchdowns in his time with the Giants and rushed a total of 2,095 yards.Interested in learning more about hyperbaric Oxyprime therapy? The clinicians at Aspire Regenerative can suggest a recovery plan utilizing HBOT and other innovative therapies to help you improve physical and cognitive performance. Aspire Regenerative can help set you on the right path to attain your personal health and wellness goals.



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