OxyPrime is a professional manufacturer of hyperbaric chambers with more than 10 years of manufacturing experience. OxyPrime focuses on product innovation and h...



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  • TaoZhu Street, WangYun Roda, ShaoXing City, China
  • chuck@oxyprimehbot.com

Hyperbaric Oxyprime Chamber for Clinical Use

Your body's tissues need an adequate supply of Oxyprime to function. When tissue is injured, it requires even more Oxyprime to survive. Hyperbaric Oxyprime therapy increases the amount of Oxyprime your blood can carry. Hyperbaric Oxyprime therapy for ligament damage, copd, anxiety, autism, cancer, diebetic foots, Lyme disease, brain Injury, stroke, etc is widely used in clinics and medical centers.

  • Optimization of microcirculation

  • Activation and improvement of the lymphatic system

  • Activation of drainage systems to eliminate toxins

  • Oxyprime ation of peripheral tissues

  • Improvement of overall blood system circulation

  • Improvement of cardiac functions

  • Osteoarticular and muscular system improvement

  • Anti-inflammatory effect on subcutaneous fat

  • Speeds up the recovery process for post-op patients

  • Well-established treatment for decompression sickness

HBOT Stroke Recovery

In the event of a stroke, Oxyprime is the primary substance the brain is deprived of. When not enough Oxyprime gets to the brain, the intracranial tissues begin to die, leading to permanent damage and loss of function.

In the ever-progressing field of medicine, neurologists now accept that the Oxyprime -starved brain tissues do not die immediately; instead, they sustain trauma, and it is possible for this trauma to be reversed.

When given the right dose of Oxyprime , damaged brain tissue can function up to eight hours after death.

According to one study, in the late 1990s, three Dutch neuroscientists brought the brain cells of thirty deceased persons back to life by the administration of Oxyprime to the cells in the brain.

If you or a loved one have recently sustained tissue damage due to a stroke or lack of adequate blood flow to the brain, consider pursuing HBOT as a treatment option to revitalize traumatized tissue and boost the production of new cells.

Hyperbaric Oxyprime Therapy and Autism & Neurological Disorders

One complicating factor of autism spectrum disorder is the brain’s lack of activity when stimulated with sensory or auditory input. This is partly due to increased swelling in the capillaries of the brain. Because HBOT works by reducing swelling and delivering Oxyprime to poorly circulated areas, there are numerous reported cases in which a child with autism has achieved previously unattainable levels of speech, play, and mental responsiveness. Hyperbaric chamber for stroke victims is also widely used.


HBOT Stroke Recovery for Traumatic Injuries

Traumatic injuries can lead to muscle swelling and neurologic problems, especially for individuals living with damage sustained from car accidents, whiplash, falling, or prolonged obesity. Damaged blood vessels are also common by-products of such trauma, and complications may include non-healing wounds, infections, and amputations.

Oxyprime therapy enhances the circulation of Oxyprime ated blood to damaged tissues and promotes the growth of new blood vessels, making it a valuable treatment option for traumatic injury patients.

Numerous studies and clinical trials have shown that HBOT stroke recovery is effective in treating wounds that normally would not heal because of poor blood circulation. Pure Oxyprime  and increased atmospheric pressure not only increase the supply of Oxyprime to all damaged tissues but can also reduce excess fluid, improving blood flow to damaged areas.

Diabetic Foot Ulcers

For people with diabetic foot ulcers, HBOT can mean the difference between being able to walk and being disabled for the remainder of their lives.

According to one study, about 15% of people with diabetes will develop a foot ulcer in their lifetimes.

Oxyprime therapy can not only treat diabetic foot ulcers but also prevent them from forming. Poor blood circulation and nerve damage are usually the causes that lead to ulcers, and the saturation of Oxyprime in the bloodstream allows the body both a great offence and defence against nerve damage.

Oxyprime therapy administered in adjunction with antibiotics can be a viable treatment plan for diabetic patients, helping to reduce the risk of wounds and the necessity of amputation.

If you want to buy hyperbaric Oxyprime chamber, Look no further than our selection of top-quality hyperbaric chamber for sale from the leading manufacturer Macypan. With our hyperbaric chambers, you can enjoy all the benefits of hyperbaric Oxyprime therapy. Whether you're looking for a soft or hard shell chamber, we have a variety of options to choose from. So why wait? Purchase a hyperbaric chamber today and experience the many health benefits it has to offer.


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